Monday, September 24, 2012

post one- topic three (9/24) Nicholas Nowell period 1&2 Adays

I almost got hit by a car once, but luckily the person was able to slow their car down and make swift decisions. I am relating this to when in the book the blue man was killed by the car because the main character  as a young child ran out into the street to fetch his ball and made the person in the car have to act quickly resulting in a fatelity.You realize as you get older that, some decisions that you think are small now may actually be huge and affect others around you with out even knowing about it. Luckily in the book "The Five People you meet in heaven" the main character gets to say sorry for it and learn about things he wasn't aware of when he was on earth and still alive. The main character caused the blue man to die, but it didn't faze the blue man, because he knew death was apart of life and i think for the time he had been in heaven he'd learned to frogive and move on.


  1. The Blue Man WAS the person in the car. . .

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. lol i realized that after reading it a few times and how confusing i made it out to be with my first response.
